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The LVI website was created to be accessible for low vision users. This means following different accessibility guidelines, testing the site carefully, and being open to feedback.


Text size

We have implemented on screen the possibility to resize the text in three ways (standard, large, larger). This was done to make it easier for those who do not use a screen magnifying software. 
In Windows, using both Internet Explorer and Firefox, you can choose the View menu, Text Size option to change text size. (The keyboard shortcut is Alt-V, X). Other browsers are likely to have the same or similar options. To zoom in and out on the entire page, not just the text, hold down the Ctrl key and use the plus (+) and minus (-) keys, or rotate the mouse wheel if you have one on your mouse. 
For the Macintosh, use the Cmd key and or - to quickly change the font size. 



People with various eye conditions find different colour combinations easier or harder to use. This site supports three color schemes: standard, white on black or black on white. Simply choose the appropriate colour combination from the menu and all pages on the LVI website will be displayed from then on in the colour scheme you have chosen.


Website page structure

This website is designed with consistency in mind. Once you have found your way around a single page, you should find that most other pages can be accessed in a similar fashion. 


Points of consistency

  • All LVI website pages have a main menu at the top of the document and choosing one of the links from this will take you into that area of the website. 
  • Products are found under the Products tab, which has several areas underneath it by type of product. 
  • The main content of a page usually starts at the first or second heading on a page, and can be reached quickly by jumping by heading, choosing from a list of headings in a screen reader. 
  • Many links have titles, which give longer descriptions of where they lead. You can access these by telling your screen reader to use these, or you can move the mouse over the link and the fuller details will appear in a pop up window which disappears when you move the mouse away. 


The LVI website can also be reached from the sitemap, which is linked from the button left. 



LVI Low Vision International is always interested in improving the accessibility of this website. If you have suggestions on how to do this for your particular setup, please send us feedback so that we can continue to improve your experience of this website. Contact webmaster at LVI Low Vision International.